The sum of logarithms



When two logarithms with the same base ($ a $) are added, the inside parts are multiplied:

$$ \log_a(b) + \log_a(c) = \log_a(bc) $$


Given the sum $ \log_a(b) + \log_a(c) $, let $ x $ and $ y $ be the terms of the sum. By the definition of the logarithm, the following applies:

$$ x = \log_a(b) \implies a^x = b $$

$$ y = \log_a(c) \implies a^y = c $$

Now multiply $ b $ and $ c $ and add the exponents.

$$ b * c = a^x * a^y = a^{x + y} $$

Take the logarithm with base $ a $ on both sides.

$$ \log_a(b * c) = \log_a(a^{x + y}) $$

Simplify the second logarithm, since $ \log_a(...) $ and $ a^{...} $ are inverse operations.

$$ \log_a(bc) = x + y $$

Finally, re-substitute $ x $ and $ y $ and flip the equation.

$$ \log_a(bc) = \log_a(b) + \log_a(c) $$

$$ \log_a(b) + \log_a(c) = \log_a(bc) $$

Proofs building upon this proof

The difference of logarithms

This proof shows that the difference of two logarithms with the same base is just one logarithm with the inside parts being divided.